Sometimes connecting with the world

starts by connecting with yourself

"Unlike most body oils, A.OK has an elegant scent. I use it in lieu of a body cream. I sometimes apply it before bed because there’s something about having that scent while you’re sleeping."

- Jen, Brooklyn

"I love using A.OK after a sauna and shower. It somehow makes me feel "held." It's calming and luxurious. I use it all over."

- Fatima, Los Angeles

"I love the consistency of the oil. It doesn't leave my skin greasy. Instead, my skin is smooth and hydrated. I love the intimacy of the scent; it's relaxing and sexy. I normally use A.OK after showering, especially when I plan on seeing someone afterwards."

- Derek, Brooklyn


Image slideshow

Tell your brand's story through images.

"I'm obsessed with this oil. It's perfect in terms of fragrance & consistency. But what's more? After two months of use, it's changed the texture of my skin. It's smoother, firmer, and could it be my cellulite has diminished?! I want to buy this for everyone I know!"

- Marjorie, Catskills

Note to Self:

You are A.OK

Three words that became a daily dialogue in my head during a difficult time not too long ago. This phrase became my daily reminder to be soft with myself and make time to feel.

As the words took hold over time, my mantra evolved into a personal ritual for reconnecting with mind & body. When I started using essential oils as tools for making contact, the real journey began.

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Alessandra Olanow

Artist, illustrator & founder of A.OK